OAHA hosts an annual show affiliated with AHA, USEF and USDF, once a year. This show is a Region 12 and 15 Double Qualifier offering Open, Amateur and Junior Horse classes in the main ring. We also offer a full list of Sport Horse, Dressage, Western Dressage, Trail, Ranch Riding and Academy classes
DATES: Thursday April 10th - Saturday April 12th, 2025
Virginia Godwin "R" Region 12
/ Cathy Vincent "R" Region 15
Robin Brueckmann "S"/"R" Sport Horse, Dressage / Megan McGee "r" Western Dressage
Prize list: *Open*
Entry form * Please fill out then print to mail*
OAHA Sponsorship Form *Please fill out then print to mail*
Vendor application *open*
Veterinary Requirements *please read*
Show Schedule Updates & TBA's
Trail Patterns (Eng-West / Walk-Trot / Ranch)
Equitation, Showmanship, Horsemanship Patterns: below
Ranch Riding / Showmanship AATH / Showmanship JTH
Saddle-seat Equitation / Hunter-Jumper seat Equitation
Dressage Ride Times:
Sporthorse in Hand Times:
Stall Charts: