Aria Impressive
We were named the 2021 Unanimous Scottsdale Champion at the Arabian Scottsdale horse show.
The horse is 5 years old.
OAHA is committed to the education and promotion of the Arabian breed. We have a long history of working well with other clubs and breed associations in promoting the Arabian and Half Arabian Horse. OAHA is privileged to have and utilize the most dedicated volunteers in Region 12. New members are always welcome to participate. Many of our members serve on various committees associated with the operation of AHA.
Any members with 2023 brags for our website, please send to Barb Copping /
Aria Impressive
We were named the 2021 Unanimous Scottsdale Champion at the Arabian Scottsdale horse show.
The horse is 5 years old.
is AX Rabdan El Shamal and I at Regionals last year!
Owner/Rider Tess Moreno with Noble One.
Owner/ Rider Remie Moreno with Sky’s Afire
Noble One was Unanimous Champion Purebred Show Hack and Sky’s Afire was Top Ten in the NSH Hunter Pleasure Amateur Championship.
of Honor
US National Res. Champion HA 2 yr old filly
USEF National 6th place HA halter
USEF Region 12 Champion HA halter
USEF Region 15 Champion HA halter
Region 15 Champion HA 2yr old filly HA sport horse in hand open dressage & hunter type HA sport horse in hand ATH dressage type